Distance (Roundtrip): 6.0 miles
Elevation Gain: 1420 ft
Highest Point: 2370 ft
Teneriffe Falls Hiking Guide
Tenerrife falls is a less popular hike located about 2 miles past the Little Si trailhead parking lot. Today, it was cold and rainy at about 35 degrees (F). There were only two cars parked along side the trailhead around 10am. Parking for the trailhead can be found on the side of the road right by the school bus turnaround. Most cars pull off onto the side of the road if the gravel "lot" is full.
The trail starts out on an old logging road beyond a blue gate. There is plenty of space and not much to look at. It climbs, but nothing to strenuous. After about a mile on this road, there is a fork. There are no signs indicating the correct path, but the path to the right will lead to the falls.
From this point on, the trail is relatively easy, until the first couple of switchbacks appear. It opens in and out of tree cover along the mountain ridge. The openings offer wonderful views of the surrounding landscape. We took our time gazing around, despite the wet and cloudy weather.
Eventually, a sign shows up reading "Teneriffe Falls 1.0". The trail continues alongside a small waterfall. It is a nice steep climb and a refreshing break from the gradual switchbacks. It only lasts a couple of steps, then the trail evens out all the way to the falls.
The waterfall at the end is really nice. In the winter, the water seems to be rushing a bit stronger than in the summer time. There are no spectacular views from the top, but it's pretty cool to be right underneath a waterfall. The path continues up further right next to the falls for an up close and personal view. When we arrived it was snowy and icy, so be careful not to slip and fall.
Teneriffe Falls is a great easy hike for beginners. It's far less crowded than other easy hikes in the area. All in all, this rainy hike was a good option for the first of the year!
WTA Trip Report
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